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                Hotline: 0769-8339 7518
                Chinese | English
                About UsInnovation is fundamental, quality is life
                Dongguan shengmei Plastic Machinery Co., Ltd

                Dongguan shengmei Plastic Machinery Co., Ltd. is a professional manufacturer of hollow molding machines invested by foreign investors in Guangdong Province. The head office of kaimei Plastic Machinery Co., Ltd. has more than 40 years of experience and reputation in Taiwan. Based on professional technical engineering and automatic operation, shengmei has a place in the field of hollow molding machinery in plastic packaging industry,.

                Why UsFive advantages of the company give you more protection
                Rich industry experience

                Dongguan shengmei Plastic Machinery Co., Ltd. is a professional manufacturer of hollow molding machines invested by foreign investors in Guangdong Province. Kaimei, the head company, has more than 40 years of experience and reputation in Taiwan, with professional technical engineering and automation operation.

                Quality assurance

                Dongguan shengmei Plastic Machinery Co., Ltd. from the standpoint of customers, the choice is reasonable, economical and practicalThe project is committed to the international and domestic technology concept to create a safe and reliable work for customers Environment, pay attention to details and quality, strictly control.

                Continuous innovation

                In the plastic packaging industry out of hollow molding machinery field research and development and innovation, reflecting a company's continuous pursuit of technology.

                Specialty comes from focus

                Years of ingenuity experience, professional production of purification equipment, dedicated to clean room purification project.

                Perfect after-sales service system, let you have no worries

                Professional technical service team, follow up the order production progress for you:



                HonorAll certificates are complete and the quality is guaranteed
                NewsSee the future with wisdom
                Company news
                11.13 These points should be paid attention to...

                The centralized feeding system is composed of many large and small equipment. Th...

                Requirements for large hollow blow moldi...11-13

                The maintenance and repair of hollow blo...11-13

                <abbr date-time="64083f2f"></abbr> What is the definition of blow molding m...11-13

                Industry news
                11.13 Working principle of automatic hollow mo...

                The working principle of full-automatic hollow molding machine is the quantitati...

                The 32nd International Rubber and plasti...11-13

                Automatic 2.2L (6 + 6) three layer hollo...11-13

                Celebrate shengmei company‘s winning the...11-13

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                Phone:139 2293 6573Tel:0769-8339 7518

                Address: Dakeng Industrial Zone, Shuxin management zone, Changping Town, Dongguan, Guangdong